Lex Zandelis - Your Mentalist
Lex is a world renowed mentalist with over 10 years of experience on stage and various appearances on TV, magazines, internet and other media. His show captivates people from all over the world, leaving them with a smile and a feeling they almost forgot, astonishment.
When it comes to corporate entertainment, Lex is well known for his talent as an “Infotainer” (more details on that later on), performing with charm and originality for companies around the world, conveying their messages in an original, highly effective way in any corporate event.
Close-up Entertainment
The ultimate treat for your guests, entertainment that creates magic between groups of people. Lex is most effective at entertaining guests in a mix and mingle environment where he can stroll around the venue and entertain your guests with a touch of mystery and spontaneity. Close-up magic is also a great for entertaining guests while they wait for any kind of service. Lex can put them at ease while they are waiting for their dinner, he is fantastic at performing between tables. This kind of performances also fit perfect in lounges and bars, breaking the ice between people, creating great connections and memories that will last for a long time.
Close-up entertainment connects people and ignite a sparkle between your guests.
Your guests go through a unique experience that leaves them not only with a souvenir but with a great memory! Lex creates comfort and the feeling of belonging using his charm and magic so it breaks the ice between people in social situations or at least give them great entertainment while they wait for service.
Cocktail parties, mingling areas, places with long lines, lobbies and receptions, lounges, bars and more. Lex will fit perfectly in the Rising Tide Bar and On Air Karaoke Bar! Other great places are the Royal Promenade, Broadwalks, Diamond and Concierge lounges, Dance venues, Pool decks, Crew leisure venues, restaurants and even at groups events such as weddings or any other large organized group who might be interested to make their cruise more special.

LEXATION – The Stage Show
LEXATION is a stage show that ignites amazement, a lot of laughter and curiosity in your guests.
As a mentalist, Lex takes the audience through a refreshing experience, demonstrating mind-reading skills in a fun, sophisticated way. He making them laugh and giggle, predicting what people are going to say or do on the stage before they even think of it, creates impossible situations and literally blurring the line between reality and illusion.
The show also has soundtrack, which adds more to the fun!
It’s super interactive, the audience is always excited and intrigued.
The success behind the show is the audience participation. “LEXATION” is very interactive and full of literally inexplicable funny moments! Nothing is better than a show that intrigues curiosity and excitement!
All kind of stages. Your magnificent theaters and even the smaller stages around the ship will attract guests at no time.
(Presenting Information via entertainment - Infotainment)
Infotainment is a way to present information in an emotional, intriguing and convincing manner. They come for the show and stay for the message!
How it works?
First, Lex learns about the company and understand their field of expertise.
He then assembles a fantastic show that conveys in a memorable way all the marketing messages, ideas and advantages the company decides to convey at the event throughout the show. It can also be done using close-up entertainment, not necessarily on stage.
Emotion can have a powerful impact on memory. Numerous studies have shown that the most vivid memories tend to be of emotional events, which are likely to be recalled more often and with more clarity and detail than neutral events.
“Infotainment“ is the ultimate way to get people to remember your message, forever.
Corporate events, exhibitions, conventions etc. “Infotainment” can also fit really well to the ship environment and leave guests with so much taste for more from Royal Caribbean and its subsidiaries due to the strong message incorporated into the content of the show about the brand/s, increasing the potential for more repeat cruisers.

CONTACT OFFICE : info@lexmagic.com